6 Steps To Prepare For A Brand Photoshoot
Step 1: Create A Mood Board
The moodboard sets the tone for the branding photoshoot. It creates a visual representation for how the brand can be depicted through photography. The mood board can also show the color pallet of the brand and what they are looking for our of their photoshoot.
Step 2: Create a Shot List
It is so important to go into a shoot with an open mind. Some of the best images happen on a wim. However, it is important to have a few ideas for poses and composition to get the shoot flowing.
Step 3: Styling
For wardrobe i always recommend staying within your branding colors, neutrals and avoiding busy patterns. Its also a good idea to bring around 3 to 4 outfits to have a variety.
Step 4: Props
This is where you can add in things like any products you offer, sell, or anything that is related to what you do. Don’t forget to bring in branded products like mugs, or business cards with your brand name to add to flat lays.
Step 5: Making a timeline
A timeline is essential to having a shoot go smoothly. It allows you to know how each part of the day will happen to make you the most prepared. It is also essential to have the places you will be shooting at on the timeline with addresses to make your time the most efficient.
Step 6: Be Yourself
This is the most important step of all. The goal of the brand photoshoot is for people to get to know you and your brand, so be authentic.